Press Release

Pattern Computer Releases Seminal Paper on the foundations of Explainable AI

REDMOND, WA, December 9, 2021 – Pattern Computer,® Inc. (PCI) has posted a paper on ARXIV.org1 that providing a detailed description of how explainable AI will modify the scientific method, and open new avenues for scientific research and commercial applications. [...]

2022-09-26T17:47:38+00:00December 9, 2021|Artificial Intelligence, Press Release|

Pattern Computer Discovers New and Novel Methods for Reducing Flight Delays

REDMOND, WA, June 17, 2021 – Pattern Computer®, Inc. (PCI) is excited to announce the discovery of new insights that can lead to significant reductions in the flights delays experienced across the United States. According to the Federal Aviation Association [...]

2022-04-08T22:04:39+00:00June 17, 2021|Press Release, Travel|
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